Mr Anthony SAVALE
Member of CODIR Associate notary
DNA Paris
Anthony SAVALE started his career in 1997.
He quickly understood the importance of the age-old tradition characterizing the notary Office founded in 1641, he worked for .
His notary office merged with DNA Groupe in 2018 and moved into a new address : 85 boulevard Haussmann (75008) PARIS.
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He quickly understood the importance of the age-old tradition characterizing the notary Office founded in 1641, he worked for .
His notary office merged with DNA Groupe in 2018 and moved into a new address : 85 boulevard Haussmann (75008) PARIS.
Historically attached to a clientele of individuals and institutions, our clients are an integral part of our advisory process and our daily concerns.
Attentive to the arrival of new tools and new requirements, particularly in wealth support, we are constantly getting closer to our clients in order to better understand them and provide them with responses that meet their expectations.
This is why we will continue to look to the future and continue our commitment to all market players by favoring tailor-made solutions while the mechanical response is for us without added value.
This is why we have developed a new service offering = Mediation.
It is an amicable solution to resolve conflicts.
Rather than waiting for the outcome of a long and costly legal procedure, it is possible to seek an agreement with a view to resolving a dispute peacefully, with the help of a third party called the mediator.
Through his ethics, his competence, the natural disposition recognized in him by the public and the magistrates, the notary mediator can intervene in particular in family disputes (inheritances, matrimonial regimes, donations, divorces and separations).
Attentive to the arrival of new tools and new requirements, particularly in wealth support, we are constantly getting closer to our clients in order to better understand them and provide them with responses that meet their expectations.
This is why we will continue to look to the future and continue our commitment to all market players by favoring tailor-made solutions while the mechanical response is for us without added value.
This is why we have developed a new service offering = Mediation.
It is an amicable solution to resolve conflicts.
Rather than waiting for the outcome of a long and costly legal procedure, it is possible to seek an agreement with a view to resolving a dispute peacefully, with the help of a third party called the mediator.
Through his ethics, his competence, the natural disposition recognized in him by the public and the magistrates, the notary mediator can intervene in particular in family disputes (inheritances, matrimonial regimes, donations, divorces and separations).
Under the terms of articles L. 112-6-1 and R.112-5 of the Monetary and Financial Code, Notaries are no longer authorized, as of January 1, 2015, to accept or issue checks for an amount greater than 3,000 Euros, on behalf of the parties to an act giving rise to land registration.ONLY TRANSFERS ARE AUTHORIZED.
You will receive the RIB of the Study in order to transfer the funds to be paid to our accounts (price, security deposit, balance, fees, transfer rights, etc.).
To send the amounts to be paid to you by the Study (price, balance, funds given or dependent on an inheritance, balance, etc.), you must provide us with a RIB.
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